I know that everyone gets spam in their email. I even understand google's incredible ability to send spam directly into a spam box instead of the inbox. That is one thing I really appreciate. Although I don't think that everyone has the same kinds of obsessions as I do. All of my little folders and labels need to have no unread emails in them. My mother has about 1,137 (or so) unread emails in her inbox. This drives me absolutely bonkers. (Why do I even know that? ... I may or may not have set up her email account with her and she may or may not have the same password that I set up for her. Don't remind her... oh wait... she may or may not be the only one who reads my blog... oops.) My only exception is that I have about 6 or 7 emails in my Drafts folder. This is acceptable to me for some odd reason that I don't care to divulge at this point.
Let's get back to my venting.
I go to delete my spam and I realize that all of the spammers think I'm a male. That is so rude! My gmail name may not indicate one gender or another, but really? Really? It is so inconsiderate. I understand that I'm going to get spam, but please! I'm a girl. I would appreciate it if my spammers would direct their email to appropriate genders.
That was it.
Thanks for listening/reading.
I will be able to sleep now.