Study Time

This blog post is brought to you by the letter "P" (Procrastinating, Papers, People, and Posts) and the number 10, (10-page-paper, 10 hours to complete it in, 10 other things to do besides my paper, including cleaning checks).

     Last time I had a health test to study for I followed my normal routine for this class. I went to my friend's (aka: Study Boy) apartment. It's a mutually beneficial friendship. I save him a seat in class, he takes pictures of the slideshows. We pull out the study guide and he sits on one couch and looks at his slideshow pictures from class and I sit on the other couch and use the book to find the answers. (Why yes, I do find more answers).
     His buddies (aka: the peanut gallery) came over after we had gotten through most of the reproductive systems part. But the topic of Pregnancy came up, and I learned that my best "childbearing years" are dwindling quickly! I panicked! "Somebody better come and put a ring on it!" I exclaimed, pointing to my left ring-finger. (But in all seriousness, they were looking for a reaction and I gave it, so I was ready to keep studying. I didn't want to be there all night and I didn't want to be there late enough to become cranky). Before we really got back into the study session the door knocked and in walked a man, you know, the tall-dark-and-handsome-hunk type of man. I introduced myself and before I was done shaking his hand, the peanut gallery was going off! "That's a quick way to get your wish granted!" That was just the beginning.
     Before I knew it the latest addition was my own personal Prince Charming. I was dying of laughter! Yes, he eventually made his way over to my couch (the bigger of the two couches that I was, in this room full of boys, formerly the sole occupant of) and did anything he could to get a rise out of me. "See if you get any answers now," the peanut gallery egged  him on. Climaxing either at the moment when he assumed my 11:11 wish was for a kiss, or where he started to move my hair behind my ear, I was dying of laughter. Somehow I managed to continue to find more answers then my study buddy. We finally got through the whole thing and went to Beto's to celebrate... or because the boys were all hungry from the intense review course.
     Since then I made a new friend in our health class. She sits next to me and teases me about Study Boy "Your Lover-Boy," she calls him. She's married, so Study Boy doesn't flirt with her. She keeps telling me all the reasons we should date. Granted, Because I'm the girl and I was her friend first, he doesn't get any of the teasing. I know that he would like to not be single. She knows that I would go out with him if he asked, but at the same time, I doubt he would ever ask. Her opinion on the subject? "I don't know why he wouldn't ask you out, I mean, you're gorgeous. I don't know what his problem is." This was so kind of her, but it went to my head. Soon after that I told him that I had accidentally let one of the members of the peanut gallery (not Prince Charming) know that we would be studying again this week. He groaned and foreshadowed our study session being me, "flirting with those boys again." I assured him we could study at my place because NO ONE ever comes over, and none of the Peanut Gallery would find it because they don't know where I live. He was hesitant. We didn't land on a final decision. Which left me thinking about it long enough to provoke this blog.
     In short, what I'll post here what I'm not brave enough to say to Study Boy: "You can come to my apartment and hog all the flirting to yourself, or I will come over and you will risk the chance of me being flirted with shamelessly by your friends. Either way, I will get my studying in, flirting in, and get a better score on the test. So you chose whatever level of Bethany that you can handle..."


Unknown said…
Hahahaah. I LOVE this post. SO Bethany and SO hilarious!!! Any boy would be dang LUCKY to put a ring on it! ;)
AnnaLisa Davis said…
HAHAHAHAHA! Who was the prince charming and why haven't you gone out with him since?
AnnaLisa Davis said…
Bethany, why don't you blog about your life more? There so much good stuff. Like being engaged, going on 12 dates a week, etc. You are just killing your readers with this completely insensitive nothingness. And you should join the Anti-Austen blog. All you have to do is send them this blog post, then write a blog summarizing your current love life, let them know that you are the true replacement for 'The Closer' and I'm sure you could even include it on your resume (in some positive light. yeah, something). ;)

Love, 'Isa