Peanut Butter and Banananananana Toast!

Today as I am sitting here at work, I decided to eat a Peanut Butter and Banana toast.I also decided to tell you that my friends and I have decided what to be for Halloween!!!Sarah, Thomas, and I are going to dress up as the three witches on Hocus Pocus.

Don't let this blow your mind or anything, but these three...

Are going to turn themselves into these three...

Hahahaha!(perhaps I should try a witch laugh...)EEEEeeeheeeeheeeheeeheeee!!!!
I'll play the blonde one, named Sarah. Sarah will be the one in the middle, Winifred, and Thomas will be the dark haired sister, Mary. I'm a little bit worried about him crossdressing, but he's agreed to do it. So. There we have it!

When we finish our costumes I'll post our picture to show you how well we did looking like them!


Stacy Emmons said…
Oh. My. Gosh. Too late, my mind is blown!!!!!

Ba ha ha ha ha ha, that is the best idea I have ever heard!!!!!
Bethany Anna said…
:D :D :D
Thanks Stacy! :D
what're you going to be for Halloween?