Not really a review. Just a good movie.

This weekend I watched this movie
I basically really  loved it. I haven't seen very many movies with Gregory Peck, but what I have seen so far I really love. The list includes, "Roman Holiday" and "To Kill a Mockingbird." Now I have a third movie to add.
I started watching it without any idea of what it is about. If I had known maybe it wouldn't have struck me so much when, near the beginning, he's asked to write a magazine article about antisemitism, to which he reluctantly agrees. It turns out that is exactly what this whole movie is about. But I didn't get it at first. I thought, "man, if this movie was made today they'd probably just smile and nod and tell the love story instead and let the real issue of antisemitism go under the table." That was the point of the whole movie! The nice guys don't fight for things that are right, they just live under this unspoken agreement to not talk about it. Twice a year, they'd say, they did an article against it- wasn't that enough?
Which leaves me wondering, am I courageous enough to stand up for things that are true and right? Or do I just smile nicely and let it pass?
