goooooood morning

I have started shopping for missionary clothes.
. . .
(typically, I hate shopping)
But I got a letter from my mission president's wife, telling me what I need to look like. So far it has been very helpful, but I still need to do a lot of shopping so I can find good deals, good clothes, and good... uh... good... uh... goodness!

In other news,
While I'm not on my mission I am working to earn money for it. I work with my cousin, Brittany, and we have this super evil plan!
okay, it's not EVIL evil. But wicked! :)
okay- are you ready for this?
Are you really ready to hear this wicked plan of scheming-ness and scandal?!?!
Do you really think you are ready?
Here goes: (don't blow our cover)
So... We went to Wendy's on Monday. and when you buy something there, they give you this receipt, so that they know, and that you know, that you have paid for your food. On the back of the receipt is a really good deal that says, "tell us how you liked your visit and get a hamburger for free!"
SO the plan is to get the free hamburger. Good plan, no?!
Well, get this. After you get the free hamburger, they print out for you ANOTHER receipt! MUAHAHAHA!
Now comes the naughtiness. . .
well, You figure out the naughtiness, I'm signing off!
Bethany Anna


Unknown said…
Genius. Let's do it. And by the way, your profile picture is soooo beautiful! You look sooo pretty! Also, what did your mission president's wife say? What is your guide line?